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Tree Lizard

Another one down and we cant wait to get back! Each year, we leave something to find when we return. This year, we tied a small lizard (plastic) to the palm closest to the Perch! For anyone lucky enough to be THERE, rather than HERE...please let us know if that thing is still hanging on!

We will be THERE at the end of May, and will try and remember to look for it. Is it on the Papagayo's side or the Pedro's side?

Its the first tree you can see on the web cam on the Pedro's side! Thanks!
Great, we will check him out for you.
Last time I was there I almost stepped on a large iguana close to the Alamanda.
Nope...too far from the Perch! That wasn't it! No worries! This one is tied to the tree:-)
We will be there tomorrow afternoon. Probably won't get to the Perch tomorrow, but definitely on Saturday. We will look for him. Probably getting pretty hungry by now. I'll take him a few bugs and some water.
Perfect! If he hasn't escaped, he should be right around eye level!
I am happy to report the Yellow Tree Lizard is doing well and still hanging around the tree. He now has a liking for the cheeseburgers at the Perch, and is fed quite frequently by the Perch goers. As a result, and as might be imagined, he has gained a bit of weight. We were there today to feed him, and ourselves, but the grill was closed. He was looking a bit hungry. Was forced to revert to bugs--ugh!

He also has developed quite the penchant for Willie's rum drinks. Can be a bit of a problem if he starts too early. Lizards seldom do well at drinking and climbing.

Great to hear that our lizard is doing well. He may well have one of the best spots on all of Orient Beach...and while we're back to our work routines, its good to know that he's got a press box seat to happiness!
Thanks for update!
Need an update on our tree lizard! For anyone who is lucky enough to be where we'd rather be right now, our lizard is tied to the tree closest to the Perch on the Pedro's side. Is he still there!?:-)
Well, if you are willing to wait till Oct 6 will be there to check.
We'll be happy to give an update in February. Better send a reminder though!

The Simpsons
Forgot to check. Will get down that way today.
Le Lizard be hanging around on da tree. So small took two times around to see it. Little yellow guy with green stripes.
Glad to hear that he's still hanging in there! Will be back in April to check up on him! Thanks for the report!