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Originally posted by Salty Dave Besides Perch Lite, are there any bars where a topless woman during the day, won't feel out of place. My wife has previously felt uncomfortable even during happy hour. Thanks.Pre Irma there were several bars/restaurants north of Club O where I would go topless and feel comfortable. But then I feel comfortable being topless (or naked) anyplace it is legal to do so, even if everyone else is clothed. I lost what modesty I had during our first visit to Club O Beach in 2004. We stayed at the Alamanda, and I wouldn't even close the curtains at night. Seemed pointless after having been naked on the beach all day.
Those establishments were all destroyed by Irma. The last time we were there, they hadn't been rebuilt. In fact, not much of anything had been rebuilt. A sad ending to a good time.
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Many if not most of those bars that were destroyed by Irma are rebuilt or replaced by another and the beach if full of amazing places! My wife has been topless in many of them the last few years and never wears a top when we're on Orient and always feels comfortable. It's true the further you get from Club O the less you'll see, but make no mistake about it toplessness is still very normal on Orient beach.

Originally posted by JohnnyTraveller Sunday we took a walk down the beach and there were one or two topless women in front of Sexy Fruits, but topless ended by Orange Fever.Sunday is the locals day off. It is also their day of worship. Many of them are strong Catholics who frown on nudity. On Sundays I don't much venture north of Club O.
Where on the beach is Orange Fever? I'm thinking the old one was a little past (to the north of) the taxi stand at Pedro's? Surely the women are topless beyond that point? Or maybe not because it was Sunday? I used to walk almost all the way to Mt. Vernon and back while essentially naked. But this was before 9:30 or so. After that, I would at least wear a micro thong.
Paragraphs Are A Reader's Best Friend.

Originally posted by JohnnyTraveller Sunday we took a walk down the beach and there were one or two topless women in front of Sexy Fruits, but topless ended by Orange Fever.
Originally posted by Christa Sunday is the locals day off. It is also their day of worship. Many of them are strong Catholics who frown on nudity. On Sundays I don't much venture north of Club O.
Where on the beach is Orange Fever? I'm thinking the old one was a little past (to the north of) the taxi stand at Pedro's? Surely the women are topless beyond that point? Or maybe not because it was Sunday? I used to walk almost all the way to Mt. Vernon and back while essentially naked. But this was before 9:30 or so. After that, I would at least wear a micro thong.
Orange Fever is still one of the first bars you come to when heading north, not far past where Pedro's used to be. This was late morning (now that we aren't staying at Club O, we didn't get to the beach until almost 9:30)
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