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beach walks

the oldest question on this site,any problems with the morning beach walks[penguin]

Club O is really getting pounded right now via cam....hope it brings sand to the beaches?
Must be quite a storm, the webcam is down.
Iposted a pic of the beach in the gallery right before the webcam went probably in Cuba by now,,lol
It was lapping UNDERNEATH Papagayos and that was before Gonzalo
God help 'em, I have no idea how they faired.

"I gotta fly to St. Somewhere"
3 and a wake up. Hope there is some sand on Saturday

Island Bound
Looks like the "No nudity" sign was destroyed by the hurricane. Maybe it will stay gone?
Any update on the beach walks since the hurricane? Any beach left to walk nude on?
The no nudity sign was replaced and a lot of reconstruction work was under way in November when we were there, The beach was rebuilding itself also with a lot of sand to the North at the beginning of our trip. By the time we left the sand was beginning to move South, or so it seemed. The morning walk continues.
Does anyone have recent picture of beach Pedro's/Baywatch area? Have only found old ones.
Is it possible to walk the whole beach with the seaweed abundance? Here it is bad and I arrive soon.
We were able to walk the whole way and stay on sand.
Hopefully the beach will recover over the winter.
Im bringing GPS this year and will let you know how long the beach is... Hopefully nude this year. Will post mileage and condition.
Wayne & Karen
2015 Jan 11-21
Maybe this was reported elsewhere but I didn't see it.

They have built a retaining wall of large rock and backfilled that wall with sand making a flat area of sand between Papayago and the ocean. Approximately 10 feet (3 meters) of flat sand between the restaurant wall and the top of the rock wall. Now very easy to walk down to Watersports but a challenge to get to the water in that area just in front of Papayago. This looks like it will protect Papayago from pretty substantial storms.

We were there the week after Thanksgiving for a cruise day. No pics because I didn't have a pocket to carry my camera. ;-)

Kentucky Couple
Just got back from Club O, distance from Dolphin water sports to Mt Vernon beach (end) is @2.2km, one way. Lots of weed at Mt Vernon end but Club O end relatively clear... Even before the tractor rakes.
Super weather from Jan 13-20th. Back to the snow now :-(