Orient Beach Forum
July 27 2024 06:38


March 26 2023 15:36

Hello All,
So we are back from a 10 day trip to OB, our first return in 2 years and I wanted to write an update to my last report.
Well...in a nutshell 🥥, not much has changed in the past two years. Now I can't speak about the rest of the island as we spent the entire trip ( for the most part ) in Orient village and beach with a few trips into Grand Case for dinner, strolling and the Tuesday night parade ( that was great! ).
There really hasn't been any significant change with OB in the past 2 years but I guess there are a few things worth a mention. Cedrick now has a little gift shop alongside tthe Perch Lite where there is a small ( emphasis on small ) gift shop. One cool thing is that he is selling tee shirts with the old Club Orient logo and style. There are also a lot more chairs and a bigger crowd than last year as well so it appears that people are starting to return. That's really all that comes to mind at the moment as far as the differences go. The Perch Lite is the same and still great, the food is fresh and really good! And the family that owns and runs it are such nice people!! The rubble that was Club O still remains and is changed only due to decay and weather, sad, very sad. To the best of my knowledge after speaking with Cedrick is that evrything is still in the courts and there is no visible end to that so.....
We did an around the island nude catamaran cruise ⛵️with Flagship II that was great, the best day of our trip ( and all our other days were great too). One thing to note, if you decide to do the nude catamaran there is one that parks right off the beach with the Adam and Eve logo ( same owners as Adam and Eve Hotel ). From others we spoke with on the beach we did not get a good report, they joked about wanting to jump off the boat and swim ashore to have it be over so....just an FYI. Our trip on Flagship II was just the opposite, we had a great day!! Having said that I do want to say that while their catamaran trip got poor reviews their hotel is great. We stayed at Adam and Eve hotel right before the pandemic and it was great, the husband and wife owners are such nice people and we had a very pleasant experience. So in fairness, hotel good, catamaran trip needs help!!
The Tuesday night mini-Mardi Gras in Grand Case was GREAT!! The guys on the drums are SICK!! 🥁🥁🥁I don't know how they keep up that level of drumming for a complete hour!! My arms hurt just watching them. So much fun!! Ate at the Lolo as always, great and cheap!! For upscale in GC we ate at Rainbow restaurant. Expensive but GREAT FOOD!! Hands down best sushi I ever had in my life. All the food is good. Back in the village we ate at 4 places, Favela, Trattoria, Le Piment ans Sao. Favela was terrible, 2 thumbs down 👎 👎 , looks like they bought premade food from the grocery store and dressed it up. Le Piment was very good as always, not as good as years past but very good ( more to follow ). Trattoria was unimpressive and Sao was great, our last and favorite dinner in the village this time, so much better than 2 years ago now that Sara ( formerly of Le Piment ) has taken over, huge improvement!! Le Piments loss was Sao's gain!!
What else....what else....
Ah, naked early morning walks alond the entire beach still seem acceptable, people I spoke with had no issues at all. I know people always ask about that. I don't do it myself as we sleep in. 😴
Sadly still no volleyball 🏐under order of the still owners of the property, even after tons and tons of requests. Why, I don't exactly know but I will continue to hope.
That's about all that comes to mind at the moment, SXM and OB are still FANTASTIC and I'm so glsd we went back. Sometimes between trips we think about trying a new location or a different island but very soon after we return I think 🤔 " OH Yeah, now I remember why we keep returning...good choice, good choice!!"
Be well and travel safely.

-Robb A.
One Life, One Love, One Island, SXM !!🏖🏝


Replies ...

March 26 2023 19:50

Thanks for the report. Sounds like you had a great time! Qustion if you don't mind. We always do an around the island nude cruise and was considering the Adam and Eve trip. Did the people happen to mention what they didn't like about it? We did th Flagship 2 before and there just wasn't a lot of energy or information from the crew. I'm not sure if they were the regular crew or not.


Life's a beach!
March 27 2023 13:52

From what I was told the A&E cruise spent quite a bit of time putting on little costume shows and performances, I know, sounds a little strange right. They said that the first time they did it they were a little surprised but amused and it was cute. But they said that by the 4th or 5th time they did this they were all looking at each other like WTF?? And apparently they did this instead of sailing to different locations, either way, they weren't pleased. Our trip on Flagship II was great and the crew was very nice and friendly, to the best of my knowledge this is a new crew that has been with the boat for about 4-5 months. They did leave us to enjoy tthe time on our own. One of the reasons we had such a nice time is that our group of 10 ( that we didn't know but had only seen on the beach at Club O ) was great and we all had a great time. It's always about the people right? A&E was $150pp and Flagship II was $200pp.
March 27 2023 19:01

Ok, good to know! Thanks so much! We went on Flagship II 2 years ago. Of course we left Bobby's Marina clothed and just sailed out and started sailing around the island. Everyone was was just kind of waiting for some sort of go ahead that it was ok to get Natural and it never came. So i asked and they said sure, go ahead! There just wasn't much comunication, although the captain and female mate were very nice and the food was good. Your right about the people. Once everyone got to know each other it was a group that made it fun.

Life's a beach!
June 05 2023 01:09

Been 5 years for us, thanks for the report
June 05 2023 04:35

Thanks for the report.

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