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Damage to Orient Bay

Has Club O and the village of Orient Bay been as badly hurt as the rest of the island? Could not find any pictures or specific infos on Orient Bay area. Hope every one is safe and well specially Flavio from the Kon Tiki. Still hoping that this area has not been it too hard but probably day dreaming.

Reports say the French side was hit harder than the Dutch side.
95% destruction of French side.
All Beach Bars on Orient are gone.
All of the major resorts are heavily damaged.
Club Orient ....
They don't know where the wooden structures even are.
Cement slabs but for the Ocean View Suites made of concrete.
Papagayos is still standing but likely structurally unsound, all of it's contents are gone.

"I gotta fly to St. Somewhere"
From CO FB postings:
St?phane Desch?nes I just received this from one of the owners of the units at Club O.

Dear Shareholders,

It's ugly!

Steve and Bert just returned to GCBC from a visit to Club Orient.
Their findings include the following:

All wood units are gone. Presumably the slabs are left, but the buildings are gone.

Gatehouse is gone. In its place is a huge pile of debris that landed there from the winds.

Pedro concrete wall ? gone

Concrete buildings survived. Roofs gone or damaged.

Except for the waterfront chalets 46-52 ? They are gone. No sign of where they went.

The new beach goes from the water's edge back to where the studios used to be. It's about 200 feet.

Hurricane shutters on units left are gone as well as the contents of all the houses ? presumably sucked out by the wind ? no sign of where the furniture, cabinets, appliances, etc., went.

The units' contents have been stripped by the hurricane.

The villa is standing ? no further detail.

Papagayo is standing but may not be sound structurally. All the contents are gone.

The utility plant is covered with debris so Bert and Steve could not get a close look at the generators, switch panel, etc. It looks like there was about 5' of water in that area, which means salvaging the electric plant is in doubt.

The reception building is still standing. The front desk and other furnishings are gone.

The tennis courts are gone.

Steve and Bert drove through Orient Village where most of the buildings are standing but the contents of the first floors that they could see into are gone.

Looters beat Steve and Bert to the resort. They were clearing out the Boutique. We let them take the contents because presumably they need the stuff worse than we do!

I will continue to keep you updated as new information comes in.
Steve took about 100 pictures but has no way to transmit them until Internet service is restored.

According to Fr?d?ric Lecomte, our Paris attorney, the French media are reporting that 95% of the island is destroyed.

We have a huge job in front of us. We will need a lot of out-of-the-box thinking to reinvent Club Orient ? better than ever.
Try to find out what they need from us. A GoFund me site? Skilled labor? Thanks